© Cartier Philanthropy / Cyril le Tourneur
We provide grants to non-profit organisations who:
In exceptional cases, we also fund early-stage initiatives that we believe will go on to create long-term positive impact.
We actively reach out to potential partners and perform our own due diligence. We don’t accept unsolicited proposals.
Our partners are our allies in the fight against poverty and lack of opportunity. Our collaboration with them is based on dialogue, transparency, and trust that they know best.
We have simplified our processes to save our partners’ time and energy for their core work. We visit their teams in the field to better understand local context and dynamics, the issues and challenges communities are facing, and how our partners’ work is progressing.
We provide flexible funding to our partners and commit to funding them for as long as they are delivering results.
In order to create long-term social impact, we offer our partners additional support beyond allocating grants.
This support can include :