African Women As A Key To Food Security
A series of articles examine the question, spotlighting One Acre Fund’s work in Rwanda
© Simon Wohlfahrt for « LE MONDE »
As the entire African continent grapples with rising wheat and input prices due to the war in Ukraine and several regions suffer droughts of unprecedented severity, the question of how to support women in the agricultural sector is becoming more urgent than ever.
African women provide between 60% and 80% of the agricultural labour force. However, they are often the forgotten ones in the sector, suffering from unequal access to land, financing and equipment.
A series of articles published by Le Monde Afrique as part of its partnership with Cartier Philanthropy examines the question, spotlighting One Acre Fund’s work in Rwanda. This non-profit social enterprise has doubled its reach in the country since 2016, when we began supporting it. Its strategic aims include assisting 1.5 million farmers – one-third of Rwanda's smallholder families – by the end of the year.
Articles below are in French only.
- Agriculture : pourquoi l’Afrique doit miser sur les femmes
- « Tout ce que nous consommons vient de nos parcelles » : au Sénégal, l’agroécologie au service de l’indépendance des femmes
- « Les hommes s’en fichent. Seules les femmes se battent pour nourrir leurs enfants » : au Rwanda, les agricultrices en première ligne pour augmenter la production