Keeping girls in the picture
We recently partnered with Le Monde Afrique to publish a series of news features, “Allez les filles!” that put girls’ education centre stage.
© Lucille Clerc for Le Monde Afrique
Over 11 million girls may never return to school following the unprecedented disruption to education caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This alarming consequence not only threatens decades of progress towards gender equality, but also puts girls around the world at risk of adolescent pregnancy, early and forced marriage and violence. For many girls, school is more than just a key to a better future. It’s a lifeline. What are the stories behind this appalling statistic? And are there any exceptions?
Cartier Philanthropy recently partnered with Le Monde Afrique, Le Monde digital platform dedicated to the African continent, to publish a series of news features, Allez les filles! (in French only) that put girls’ education centre stage.
The second article in the series highlights the work done by one of Cartier Philanthropy’s partner organisations,Luminos Fund, in Ethiopia.
Enjoy the read and the wonderful artwork by Lucille Clerc