© Karin Schermbrucker / Cartier Philanthropy

StrongMinds works to democratize access to mental health care for people with depression globally. The simple and cost-efficient model of group therapy focuses on individuals living in poor communities. Since 2018, we have been supporting StrongMinds to adapt and replicate in Zambia the model it has successfully developed in Uganda. During the COVID-19 pandemic StrongMinds developed Africa’s first phone-based group therapy for depression. Between 2023 and 2024 we also funded the US-based programme branch of StrongMinds to promote mental health and emotional well-being of women and youth living in under-resourced communities.
© Karin Schermbrucker / Cartier Philanthropy
StrongMinds trains and supervises community workers to become mental health facilitators and to lead group therapy sessions. These target people with depression in poor communities, where the prevalence of depression is as high as 30%.
StrongMinds’ therapy is available in person or by phone. In groups, ten to 12 people meet for weekly 90-minute group therapy sessions. Over 6 sessions, the participants learn how to identify the triggers of depression, share strategies to overcome their symptoms and build long-term resilience.
StrongMinds’ model enables participants who have completed their group therapy sessions to be trained to lead their own peer therapy groups, multiplying the organisation’s impact. The organisation also works with governments and non-governmental organisations to integrate mental health services into livelihood, food security, healthcare, and education programs.
From depression to recovery
treated for depression in Uganda and Zambia since StrongMinds’ creation in 2013
who completed group therapy are “depression-free” after six months