© Cartier Philanthropy / Andrea Borgarello

Asian University for Women
Located in Chittagong, Bangladesh, the Asian University for Women (AUW) is a unique institution that empowers young women from disadvantaged backgrounds across Asia and the Middle East through a world-class liberal arts education. We provided full scholarship to 20 young women, coming from Bangladesh , China, India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, to obtain a university diploma and fulfil their potential.
© Cartier Philanthropy / Cyril Le Tourneur
An all-female institution, AUW enrols talented young women from a broad spectrum of disadvantaged communities in Asia and the Middle East. Students range from the daughters of microfinance borrowers to labourers from tea plantations and clothing factories, or the graduates of Islamic madrasas schools, and the residents of remote mountain villages.
Given the considerable differences in the ability of its entrants, the university provides two bridge programmes, which are called Pathways for Promise and Access Academy. These deliver intensive classes in English, maths and computer literacy to prepare students to succeed in the Undergraduate programme.
Built on the liberal arts tradition of top American women’s colleges, the institution puts an emphasis on critical thinking, problem solving and leadership skills, equipping students for careers with the potential to shape policy, governance structures and other people’s lives, mostly in their countries of origin.
Kamal Ahmad, AUW’s founder, says: “We want to cultivate a poet’s sense of imagination and an engineer’s knack for getting things done.”
Over 1,000 students from 19 Asian countries have already graduated from AUW. Of those, 75% have returned to their home country to work in government, development, the social sector and business. The other 25% continued their education at internationally recognised graduate schools.
from 19 countries across Asia enrolled as of August 2023 across pre-undergraduate, undergraduate and graduate programmes
return to their home countries to make a visible impact in their communities
continue their studies at graduate schools